R. 9, Nr 15
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The air terrorism in conventions of United Nations
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Terroryzm lotniczy, mimo że jest jednym z największych zagrożeń dla transportu we współczesnym świecie, nie został zdefiniowany w prawie międzynarodowym. Artykuł przedstawia ewolucję zwalczania terroryzmu lotniczego przez prawo międzynarodowe na tle zachodzących zmian w samym zjawisku. Pięćdziesiąt pięć lat po przyjęciu pierwszej konwencji dotyczącej terroryzmu lotniczego jesteśmy świadkami dalszego rozwoju tej gałęzi prawa. Autor tekstu przedstawia obowiązujące już akty prawa międzynarodowego, przyjęte pod auspicjami Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych, wraz z nowymi, przyjętymi w Pekinie i w Montrealu, które są uzupełnieniem poprzednich. Próbuje też odpowiedzieć na pytanie, w jakim kierunku zmierza prawo międzynarodowe w kwestii zwalczania terroryzmu lotniczego, oraz zastanawia się, jaki może być rozwój tego terroryzmu.
The article concerns on the part of the international law, devoted to suppression of the terrorism and crimes against civil aviation. At the beginning the author shortly describes conditions and history of this kind of the terrorism. The history is almost as long as the history of aviation. It began on 1931 and it also contemporary danger. The article shows evolution of terrorism, from hi-jacking to using aircrafts as the weapon, but it is always measure to create the fear. Then there is a short resume of reasons, why the aircrafts are so “attractive” aims of terrorists’ assaults. It should be meant, that terrorist attack against the aircraft is always very spectacular, especially at the time of medias broadcasting tragedies 24 hours per day. After this part, the author describes the international law from Tokyo convention 1963 to Montreal Protocol 1988, which are fundamental for the system of the international security of aviation. The author concerns on the question of establishing the Tokyo-Hague-Montreal system, which is a coherent system of security on the sky and in the airports. It is worth to emphasize, that first convention include abstractive obligation of re-establishing proper control on the aircraft but the last ones include an enumeration of crimes and indicate the obligations of states in case of committing crime. Next part of the article is devoted to obtaining common characteristics of this conventions. This question is very important, because of it is attempt to show that the process of evolution of this branch of the international law is effect of the consideration of the every next step. The last part of the article is devoted to new agreements, changing the international law which protects the civil aviation. The Beijing convention with the Protocol 2010 expands the list of the crimes, punished by the international law. There are also the responses for evolution of the terrorism, during 30 years from Montreal Protocol, like using civil aircrafts as the weapon, danger of using nuclear weapon by terrorists and using threats by the terrorists. There are also mentioned changes of proceedings against the terrorists. The last agreement, mentioned in the article is Montreal Protocol 2014, which is amendment of the Tokyo Convention 1963. Then the author describes the changes of the system of security. In my opinion, contemporary we are in good time for writing about the international security on the air. 55 years after Tokyo Convention, Beijing Convention came into force. We are witnesses of changes of terrorism and changes of the system of security and this article is attempt of the resume and some consideration on the future.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 17 poz.
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Różna numeracja bibliografii.
Opracowanie rekordu ze środków MNiSW, umowa Nr 461252 w ramach programu "Społeczna odpowiedzialność nauki" - moduł: Popularyzacja nauki i promocja sportu (2021).
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