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Outflow and suspended material transport during episodic flow from loess agricultural catchment
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On the 15 June 2000 A.D . in the area of the Roztocze Tomaszowskie episodic overland flow from agriculture loess catchment (of 50 ha in area and denivelations up to 50 m ) was observed after 10-minutes of a heavy rainfall (Figure 1 and 2). Twenty water samples were taken to measure the suspension value and the measurement of discharge was made in three streams from the subcatchments of differentiated slope inclination, types of plant crops and directions of tillage on the slope area (Table 1). The outflow in the maximum vegetation period was influenced by the heavy rainfall on the previous night. The runoff from the catchment started after the 10 mm rainfall, quickly (during 10 minutes) reached maximum ca. 700 l/s and disappeared gradually (Figure 3). The total outflow from the catchment was 1605 m , outflow index 3.2 mm (Table 2). The maximum suspension (80-100 g/l) was during the increasing phase and during a half hour it decreased to few g/l. The total detrital transport was determined as 53.8 t - which is 1.1 t/ha. In the partial slope catchment (C), where the inclination of slopes > 5° covers more than 60 percent of the whole area, the denudation index was 2 t/ha. This catchment has oblique field system and the share of root plants was the highest (41% ). The lowest coefficient outflow (26%) and the denudation index (0,8 t/ha) was calculated for the catchment of main valley (B) with domination of interfluves and slopes with low inclination with big contribution of green lands and fields with contour-tillage slopes.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 8 poz., rys., tab.
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- Maria Curie-Sklodowska University Institute of Earth Sciences ul. Akademicka 19 20-033 Lublin Poland
- Maria Curie-Sklodowska University Institute of Earth Sciences ul. Akademicka 19 20-033 Lublin Poland
- Maria Curie-Sklodowska University Institute of Earth Sciences ul. Akademicka 19 20-033 Lublin Poland
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