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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the potential of the study of strategic cohesion in the form of case study analysis. In addition to the theoretical part, the study presents a case study analysis of the strategic cohesion of two companies. Design/methodology/approach: The paper highlights the methodology in the research approach: reductive approach vs holistic approach. To this end, based on the analysis of the literature, the main areas and relationships of the occurrence of strategic coherence were identified, both in the holistic and reductive research approaches. In the next stage of the research - a case study was used as a tool for studying the strategic coherence of enterprises. Findings: The results of the analysis of the two cases suggest that achieving strategic coherence of an organization is important from the perspectives of its development and survival in the market. Crucial to achieving coherence appears to be the commitment of the organization's CEO to support strategic coherence. Research limitations/implications: The analysis of the literature indicates methodological difficulties in defining research methods for studying the strategic coherence of an enterprise (Romanowska, 2018; Mielcarek, 2020). The future research process, due to the complexity and difficulty of implementing tools to measure the strategic cohesion of an enterprise, requires great care in interpretation. Trying to propose a universal tool requires the decision to choose a holistic or reductionist approach. The holistic approach seems the most appropriate yet difficult to implement (Romanowska, 2018). The weaknesses of the reductionist approach are due to the subjective reduction of relevant variables. Limitations in the conducted research stem from the use of the case study as a research method. Its weaknesses include: the inability to create generalizations, random data collection, and the degree of structuring of individual cases (Czakon, 2011). Practical implications: Awareness of the importance of strategic consistency by the organization's CEO in the area of managerial decision-making can have a significant impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of business management. Social implications: The research construct (originally addressed to the analysis of the strategic coherence of enterprises) can be adapted to the study of the strategic coherence of public organizations (Latham, 2017) at different levels and areas of operation. The direct implications for society can manifest in more coherent strategies of individual municipalities, cities or provinces. The study of cohesion should ensure a more balanced and harmonious development of society. Originality/value: This paper appears to systematize research approaches in the area of strategic coherence. It is pointed out that case study analysis can be a tool for studying strategic coherence in the VUCA world in a holistic approach.
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