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Purpose: to present the role and importance of the Gender Management System as a set of procedures, standards and instructions used at various stages of management (planning, implementation, motivating, steering, organizing, controlling, evaluating, improving), which are aimed at equalizing the opportunities and possibilities of both sexes and elimination of sexual differences. It is a strategic process consisting in optimizing the management of an organization by constantly striving to increase its effective functioning, multiply its resources (primarily human, but also financial, market, information, and material), and maximize the potential value for stakeholders. Design/methodology/approach: an overview of original articles, programs and strategies on the Gender Management System. Presentation of the state of the art and possible further implications. Findings: GMS is a tool for activating women in development processes, effective use of their personal resources, including by offering access to the management and life-shaping of organizations for women, recognizing the full impact of women on the content, pace and course of social change and modernization processes, creating an organizational culture by women that grows out of the values they recognize as key, and incorporating these values into the official management style. Practical implications: conducting a systematic and in-depth literature review (with conclusions) will improve research on the Gender Management System. On this basis, attempts can be made to effectively implement the main assumptions of the GMS and correct previous mistakes in the field of gender equality management. Originality/value: there are no publications dealing with this issue, especially in Polish management science. Category of the paper: review article.
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