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The article presents the scientific results of a study assessing agroclimatic resources in agricultural landscapes located in various natural zones of the Turkestan region of the RK (Republic of Kazakhstan). The research methods included classical and modern methods of mathematical statistics using digital technology and time series graphs to develop a mathematical model for climatic and hydrological indicators. Assessment of changes in indicators of agroclimatic resources in agricultural landscapes for 1941-2020 showed that the sum of air temperature, evaporation from the water surface and radiation balance of the daytime surface, characterising the energy resources of landscapes, increased by 10-15%, which contributes to increase in the total water consumption of agricultural land by 10-12%. Meanwhile, the decreasing tendency of the amount of precipitation by 5-10% in all natural climatic zones of the region has become one of the factors leading to a decrease in the natural moisture supply of the soil and vegetation cover of landscapes by 10-15%, acting as important environment-forming and ecological functions. The combined impact of these environment-forming factors has become the key reason for the increase in the deficit of agricultural land water consumption by 15-20%, the reduction of solar energy costs for the soil-forming process by 10-15% and the increase of the climate aridisation, and has become a signal for the need in the safety of agricultural activities, requiring the development of a set of adaptive measures to mitigate this process in the region.
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Bibliogr. 50 poz., mapy, tab., wykr.
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