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2023 | Vol. 42 | 25--36
Tytuł artykułu

Impact of rainfall intensity on soil erosion based on experimental research

Treść / Zawartość
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Języki publikacji
Soil erosion by water is influenced by a major morphogenetic factor – precipitation. Surface runoff, initiated by rainfall, plays a key role in this process. This article addresses the effects of rainfall intensity and soil moisture on soil erosion through a series of rainfall simulations of different intensity and duration. The implementation of measurements at a research station located in the Różany Stream catchment in Poznań made it possible to study the entire water balance within the slope, including precipitation, evaporation, surface runoff and infiltration. The study included various rainfall intensities, with a focus on extreme events reflecting ongoing climate change and increasing anthropopressure. Rainfall simulations were conducted on both dry and wet ground. The results showed that increasing rainfall intensity led to greater surface runoff and soil loss. Moreover, soil moisture was identified as a critical factor affecting soil erosion, with wetter conditions reducing soil loss while increasing surface runoff.

Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 44 poz., rys.
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