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The Śnieżnik Massif represents a prominent morphological feature in the East Sudetes, which is bounded by a system of faults controlling its differential uplift. Vertical movements originated at least during the Oligocene times, with culmination phase in the Pliocene times, whereas estimated total uplift was in the range of 500–1000 meters. This study presents a qualitative (geomorphometric) and quantitative (morphotectonic) approach that combines the Late Cenozoic tectonic uplift model with landscape evolution theories. Application of basin asymmetry factor (AF) and hypsometric integral (Hi) analyses allowed recognizing a NW trending, presumably tilted, fault blocks. They originated as a result of the Palaeogene planation surface braking and differential uplift. Uplift and later fault-block tilting in the Śnieżnik Massif morphotectonic unit, were generally realized along NE-SW striking the Wilkanów fault to the west and WNW-ESE striking southern fault zone, as expressed here e.g. by Potoczek-Branna, Hermanice and Pisary faults.
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Bibliogr. 55 poz., tab., rys., fot.
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