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We have limited knowledge on the material- and energy processes, which indicate the real internal functioning of landscapes. To understand deeper connections of landscape functions, parameters are required which indicates the amount of material and energy that is produced and transported in; and removed from a given area – e.g. a micro region (=landscape) – in an exact form. We suggest three indicator groups to characterise the material- and energy transport of the landscapes: 1. Indicators of intensity of material- and energy; the global irradiance, the number of sunny hours, the water budget, and the amount of fitomass. 2. Rate and temporal course of material- and energy transport processes; the relief energy, the mean air temperature, the temperatures in the upper layers of the soil, the water supply and the seasonal differences of the water supply. 3. The degree of human impact; the hemeroby, the landscape fragmentation and the mining activity.
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Bibliogr. 58 poz.
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