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The results from two methods of structural analysis of the morphological rock escarpment are presented – a conventional technique, based on cartographic projection and set of structural measurements, and one based on processed point cloud data obtained from terrestrial laser scanning of the site (TLS). The results refer to one of the numerous sites located at the base of the nearly 40 km long vertical rock cliff (Radków Bluff) in Table Mountains, which locally reaches height of up to 50 m. The selected site in the area of so-called Radków Rocky Towers area is characterized by a complex and multi-stage structural pattern. A method of automatic and semi-automatic determination of discontinuity surfaces in the entire exposure was tested, with particular emphasis on zones of load induced fractures located at the base of the rock wall. The authors obtained a high convergence of the results generated from the point cloud analysis and those made by the traditional method using a geological compass. The paper suggests a correct and effective methodology for surveying and using data, as well as highlighting the benefits of documenting geological sites with the use of TLS. The analysis confirms the role and importance of fractures induced by a localized load in the process of destruction and retreat of morphological slopes.
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Bibliogr. 68 poz., rys.
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