Warianty tytułu
Conditions for reactivation of the Vistula river transportation
Języki publikacji
In Poland, inland waterway transport has performed for centuries. An important feature of this transport remained the need to adapt fleet to the changing parameters of the waterway. For each waterways separate transport vessels were created. Capacity of the vessels was increased primarily by increasing the size of the ship on the line the waterline. The evolution of means of transport and their adjustment process also included on the river Vistula. In order to improve the waterway stream of the river course regulatory work was carried out . Further construction of barrages gives rise to successive bottlenecks for river transport. According to the authors the river Vistula could be again the road of waterway transport with changes in the fleet, which make possibility to load another ton and wouldn't drastically expanding its immersion.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 7 poz., rys., tab., wykr., pełen tekst na CD
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Typ dokumentu
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