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This article deals with the problem of forest fires in the province of Tizi Ouzou this tragic phenomenon which has always struck the region and which often causes degas at the same time human, social, economic, ecological and sanitary. The methodology applied to the Tizi Ouzou region aims to study the vulnerability of its territory to forest fires. The AHP-GIS integration greatly facilitates this work because in this study several qualitative and quantitative criteria come into play. The construction of this structure was based on the construction of a grid of criteria applied to the entire area of The study, using geomantic operations as integrating and generating tools. To choose the most vulnerable area, a geographic information system (GIS) was combined with an analytical hierarchy process (AHP) in order to analyze several criteria, such as land use, climatological condition and Topography. The AHP was applied to determine the importance weights of each criterion. to assess the vulnerability of areas, a simple additive weighting method was used. Each criterion was evaluated with the aid of AHP and mapped by GIS. The main advantage of such an approach is to facilitate the analysis of complex data in the form of graphical representations. In particular, this is an essential decision-making tool for elected representatives of local authorities. These results can be used effectively to plan fire control measures in advance and the methodology suggested in this study can be adopted in other areas too for delineating potential fire risk zones.
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