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Purpose: The cognitive aim of this article was to elucidate the importance of ecological marketing endeavours within urban settings for fostering city identity, as well as to accentuate the role of residents in environmental stewardship within the city. The objective of the study was to determine how cities promote pro-environmental actions and attitudes among various consumer groups. Design/methodology/approach: Primary research employed the CAWI method, utilizing a proprietary questionnaire. The study was conducted in 2022. The subjects of the study were cities in Poland. The questionnaire was distributed to all cities, and the analysis was performed on 414 returned and properly completed questionnaires. The presented results constitute a segment of the entire research. Findings: Cities clearly focus on social media and their own publications for promotion. A large part of the activities is directed at residents, especially the youngest ones. This is manifested in the organisation of festivals and events for residents of all ages. Events of various types are organised on a fairly large scale in cities (picnics, family events, city days, festivals), with environmental issues as their main theme. Encouraging ecological activity and raising awareness also occurs, albeit to a much lesser extent, through activities targeting teachers, business representatives, or employees working in municipal offices. However, what stands out is the low level of cooperation with non-profit and business entities in the area of pro-environmental activities. Research limitations/implications: The study was quantitative in nature; future research could be expanded to include qualitative studies that would more specifically pinpoint the initiatives undertaken in the city regarding the promotion of pro-environmental actions and green city marketing. Originality/value: This paper is directed at all individuals interested in environmental marketing, especially city mayors, who are responsible for promotion within cities.
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