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The goal of this research is an analysis of risk factors that occur with the installation of wastewater treatment plants. Another purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the clear identification of risk factors during the construction of wastewater treatment plants. Also, this study aims to develop models for risk factors assessment as a basis for the analysis of risks associated with the installation of wastewater treatment plants. The paper will point out the identification of risk factors during the installation of wastewater treatment plants in a project conducted in the Republic of Serbia. The analysis identified risk factors that brought the project being conducted in the city of Krusevac. The purpose of research and identification of risk factors is to relax managing high-risk situations and to ensure an approach for eliminating the negative effects that risks create. The expected result is a developed model with definedrisk factors for the estimation of their negative impact on wastewater treatment plants.
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Bibliogr. 77 poz., tab.
- Faculty of Information Technology and Engineering, University Union-Nikola Tesla, Belgrade, J. Gagarina 149a, Serbia, jelena.grujic@fpsp.edu.rs
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