Vol. 23, nr 4
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Zastosowanie polimerów z nadrukiem cząsteczkowym do selektywnej ekstrakcji do fazy stałej bisfenolu A
Języki publikacji
Selective molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) with bisphenol A as template were synthesized using the non-covalent imprinting approach. MIPs were prepared using thermally initiated polymerization with 1,1’-azobis(cyclohexanecarbonitryle) (ACHN) as initiator and ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EDMA) as a cross-linking agent. The tested functional monomers included methacrylic acid, acrylamide, and 4-vinylpyridine. The selectivity of the BPA-MIP for the solid phase extraction of bisphenol A was tested in samples containing other related alkylphenols. The polymers prepared in acetonitrile using methacrylic acid or acrylamide as monomer showed the highest selectivity towards target analyte (the selectivity ratio 8:1, respectively for MIP and NIP). The proposed procedure has been proven to be an effective for selective extraction of bisphenol A in aqueous samples (recoveries over 85%) enabling detection and quantification limits of 25 and 70 μg/dm3, respectively based on 10 cm3 of sample volume, with relative standard deviations (RSD) lower than 6%. The obtained molecularly imprinted material showed interesting properties for selective extraction and preconcentration of studied analyte from large volumes of aqueous samples without any problems of cartridge clogging.
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Bibliogr. 57 poz., tab., wykr.
- Faculty of Chemistry, Opole University, pl. M. Kopernika 11a, 45-040 Opole, Poland, phone +48 77 452 71 16, fax +48 77 452 71 15,
- Institute of Heavy Organic Synthesis “Blachownia”, ul. Energetyków 9, 47-225 Kędzierzyn-Koźle, Poland, phone +48 77 487 34 92, fax +48 77 487 30 60,
- Faculty of Chemistry, Opole University, pl. M. Kopernika 11a, 45-040 Opole, Poland, phone +48 77 452 71 16, fax +48 77 452 71 15,
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