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Quality and Usable Values of Small Flysch River Water
Języki publikacji
An assessment of the quality and usable values of water from the Ropa river – a left bank tributary to the Wisłok was made in the paper. Its catchment is situated in the south-eastern part of the Malopolska region (Poland) in the Gorlice county. The analyses were conducted in two measurement-control points – point 1. located downstream of Gorlice town at the Ropa river kilometer 20.2, in Biecz and 2. upstream of Gorlice, at the river kilometer 40.5, in Szymbark. 41 river quality parameters were tested in 2009–2011 using reference methods. Water for majority of analyses was sampled once a month, except the specific synthetic and non-synthetic pollutants, priority substances and microbiological indices, whose values were assessed once in three months. On the basis of analysis of the obtained results it was demonstrated that water downstream of Gorlice was classified to the second class of ecological state, only due to BOD5. The other indices were within the first class. On the other hand, upstream of the town, water satisfied the requirements of I class purity. Chemical state of the analyzed waters was below good – among 10 priority indices only cadmium concentration in both points and mercury content in 2. did not meet the environmental quality standards. Water in point 1. cannot be used for water supply to people because of too numerous coliform and faecal coliform bacteria. On the other hand, water in point 2. was qualified to A3 category due to microbiological indices. Water along the analyzed section of the Ropa river did not meet the requirements for the natural habitat for the salmonid or cyprinid fish because of high nitrite concentrations. Basing on the analysis of results from conducted statistical testing, it was stated that the values of 16 out of 24 tested physicochemical indices significantly differed between the control- measurement points. For example, markedly higher values of BOD5, electrolytic conductivity, total soluble solids, sulphates, general hardness, total nitrogen and total phosphorus were registered in water downstream of Gorlice, whereas pH values were lower. Obtained results confirm a negative effect of urbanized areas on the quality of running surface waters.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 26 poz., tab., rys.
- Uniwersytet Rolniczy, Kraków
- Uniwersytet Rolniczy, Kraków
- Uniwersytet Rolniczy, Kraków
- Uniwersytet Rolniczy, Kraków
- Uniwersytet Rolniczy, Kraków
- Uniwersytet Rolniczy, Kraków
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