Vol. 9, no 2
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Diesel engines, due to dynamics occurring during the combustion process of thermodynamic phenomena, are one of the most important sources of anthropogenic emissions of carcinogens, accumulating in the environment of organic substances (primarily polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and solid nano- and microparticles). According to the latest reports, they determine the toxicity of exhaust gases, and the number of victims of lifestyle diseases that they cause now exceeds the number of casualties resulting from road accidents. To assess the risks resulting out of these hazardous compounds into the environment analyzers of particulate matter, FID an alyzers gas chromatography methods with mass detection are currently used (for the purpose of qualitative and quantitative analysis hydrocarbons). The analyzers mentioned above are expensive, beside chromatographic methods require pre-emptive phases, compacting and extracting samples that are subject to certain errors. Additionally, the end result - quality-quantity composition of organic matter in exhaust gases, gives us relatively little information about their actual impact on human health or the health of ecosystems, because such an answer can only be obtained by means of toxicological studies - taking into account the definition of not only the nature of substance inducing a negative effect on the body but also the manner of its penetration to interior and the time of exposure to its action. This study evaluated the possibility and purposefulness of toxicological methods as an alternative to expensive and labor-intensive conventional chemical analyzes.
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- Politechnika Wrocławska Wydział Mechaniczny Katedra Inżynierii Pojazdów Wyb. Wyspiańskiego 27 50-370 Wrocław Tel/fax +48 71 3477918,
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