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Purpose: The main objective of the research conducted was to evaluate the image of the military as an employer in Poland. Design/methodology/approach: The authors have identified shortcomings in the research results pertaining to the image of public organisations as employers. They have particularly noted the inadequacy of reports on the quality of the armed forces' image as an employer. In light of these observations, the authors have conducted a new research study to explore this issue in greater depth. With the use of the CATI and CAWI techniques, it was possible to identify the co-occurrence of psychological, economic and functional benefits resulting from possible entry into professional service, as well as to indicate the level of trust towards the military. Findings: The survey revealed that the military enjoys a generally positive image in Poland and a positive image as an employer. This translates into considering the military as an attractive employer and a trustworthy institution. From a social perspective, the attractiveness of the military is fuelled primarily by the military's vital role in the state in terms of maintaining the security of citizens, the certainty of employment and the attractiveness of the pension system. The possibility of early retirement is especially appreciated by those who perceive the situation in the local labour market as difficult. Research limitations/implications: The research was conducted among Pols, what means that only external image of the army as an employer was analysed. In the future studies it is worth to conduct research among employees, what gives an opportunity to compare those two perceptions (internal and external). Practical implications: Revealing the results of the research connected with the image of a public employer – the image of the army, gives a possibility to plan and organize activities toward shaping the better image of the army, implement changes in the employer branding process, as well as understanding the opinion of the generations on the labor market. Originality/value: The paper reveals the image of the army as an employer in the public opinion of Poles.
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