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The re-entrant flow with an unpredictable nature of arrival would apparently harm production plans and sched-ules in flow type of shops. The re-entrant flow with varied arrival frequencies in rotor blade manufacturing is quite complicated and results in disproportionate workloads. Hence, an attempt has been made to study the significant influence of disproportionate workloads and research on an innovative order release method to enhance perfor-mance. The manufacturing process was observed thoroughly to incorporate the uncertain events that cause dis-turbance in the production. A simulation model was developed on a discrete event simulation platform by ana-lysing problem phenomena right from the conceptualization phase. The model has been verified and validated to ensure the accuracy. The model was subjected to 288 experiments representing different scenarios that a flow shop undergoes in reality. The factors considered in the experimentation were re-entrant frequency, re-entrant proportions, order release methods and priority dispatching rules. A refined load release policy for disproportion-ate loads has been proposed to judge its effectiveness in terms of profit computation by comparing it with other relevant policies. Results of the experiment revealed that the order release methods contribute 95.93% to throughput performance, in addition, the use of the new re-entrant method policy in the above scenario was productive in improving the overall shop performance.
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Bibliogr. 45 poz., rys., tab.
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- Humanities and Management Manipal Institute of Technology Manipal Academy of Higher Education Manipal, India,
- Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Manipal Institute of Technology Manipal Academy of Higher Education Manipal, India,
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