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This paper explores strategies for extending the operational lifespan of flame tubes in turbofan engines - a critical component for maintaining engine efficiency and reliability, in line with global trends aimed at maximizing the use of laid reserves of aircraft engine performance. Utilizing a combination of advanced computational simulations and empirical research, the study meticulously analyzes the internal processes within the flame tube of the AL-31F turbofan engine. A detailed geometric model and finite element grid were created and adapted to simulate various operating conditions and assess their impact on the flame tube’s performance. Special attention is given to understanding the thermal and mechanical stresses that influence its durability and serviceability. The results, compared against experimental data, validate the simulations and are crucial for identifying critical sections prone to damage, thereby facilitating enhanced decision-making regarding maintenance schedules and overhaul practices. This approach not only aims to minimize downtime and reduce maintenance costs but also extends the service intervals for critical engine components, thereby improving thermocyclic durability based on the damage mechanisms identified.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 10 poz., fot., rys.
- State Research Institute of Aviation, SRIA, 6V Andrushenko str., Kyiv, 01135, Ukraine, shulgin2021@gmail.com
- State Research Institute of Aviation, SRIA, 6V Andrushenko str., Kyiv, 01135, Ukraine
- JSC FED, 132, Sumska str., Kharkiv, 61023, Ukraine
- State Research Institute of Aviation, SRIA, 6V Andrushenko str., Kyiv, 01135, Ukraine
- Kharkiv National Air Force University, 77/79, Sumska str., Kharkiv, Ukraine
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