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In order to deepen our understanding of the ecosystems around thermal springs and contribute to their preservation and enhancement, our study focused on the physico-chemical analysis of soils located in the immediate vicinity of two thermal springs Ain El Haouamed (S1) and Ain Hamra (S2) in the eastern region of Morocco. At the same time, we identified the plants that thrive in these areas and have developed specific adaptations to particular environmental conditions. The results of physico-chemical soil analyses revealed distinct characteristics. Around the f irst thermal spring (S1), the soil has a sandy loam texture, while around the second spring (S2), a clayey loam texture. The pH of both soils is slightly basic. In terms of organic matter, significant variations were observed between soil samples taken in these areas. Electrical conductivity and other physico-chemical parameters showed variable values. A study of the vegetation near the thermal springs shows the presence of (Matricaria chamomilla, Juncus acutus, Carex sylvatica) at site 1 and (Tamarix gallica, Inula viscosa, Phragmites australis, Typha angustifolia) at site 2. This information will certainly contribute to a better understanding of these specific thermal ecosystems. The present study has led to the identification of several plant species of great interest, representing an important advance in our knowledge of the biodiversity of these areas. These results can also be used to develop strategies for the preservation and sustainable management of these particular ecosystems.
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Bibliogr. 74 poz., rys., tab.
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