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2017/2018 | Vol. 51/52 | 43--85
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Research history on the Tatra Mountains glaciations

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In this paper, we provide a brief history of glacial geomorphologic research in the Tatra Mountains with a special focus on glacial chronologies. We provide critical comments on previously published glacial chronologies and identify relevant gaps in knowledge on Tatra mountain glaciations suggesting future challenges and the focus of scientific research. Distinct differences in applied methodologies, presented conceptions, and research paradigms over 160 years of research enable us to distinguish four phases of scientific research on Tatra mountain glaciation (pioneer phase, mapping phase, geochronological phase and meta-analysis phase). These four phases follow the universal sequence of glacial geomorphologic research history defined by P.D. Hughes et al. (2006) and P.D. Hughes and J.C. Woodward (2016) for Mediterranean mountain areas. In the last two phases, the glacial chronology was substantially supported with radiometric dating of landforms and sediments as well as paleobotanical data obtained from intra-moraine sites. The current meta-analysis phase of research provides dating techniques using terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (TCN) exposure ages and glacier-climate modeling. The present-day TCN dataset for the Tatra Mountains includes 300 individual ages (10Be and 36Cl together). We underscore the fact that this dataset has substantially verified many key issues in the glacier geochronology of the Tatra Mountains. This is particularly true of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) – the Lateglacial chronology for which abundant datings are currently available and their number is still increasing. However, it is challenging to evidence the chronology and extent of the most extensive glaciation(s) (MEG).
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Bibliogr.174 poz., rys., wykr.
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