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Purpose: The aim of the article was identification and analysis of factors influencing students' career planning and development in Poland and Italy. Design/methodology/approach: The first stage of the research involved an analysis of the source literature and a review of the activities undertaken by universities in order to support students in career planning. This was followed by an analysis of reports on the situation of young people on the labour market in Poland and Italy. The final research method was a diagnostic survey with the use of a questionnaire, which was addressed to students of selected universities in both countries. Findings: Polish and Italian students are aware of their needs regarding their future careers, they are able to formulate career goals and to select a strategy needed to achieve them. However, there are noticeable differences in the implementation of their career plans. These discrepancies may be due to the socio-economic situation of students’ countries of origin. Practical implications: The article is a source of information for both students embarking on their professional careers and employers who will be able to meet the expectations of young employees, as well as universities seeking to create competitive activities in order to support professional development of their students and graduates. Originality/value: The article presents an interesting, comprehensive and comparative study of students in two EU countries, taking into account not only labour market data, but also direct opinions of students and an analysis of the career support activities offered by universities.
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