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Dangers of combustion of biogas containing siloxanes
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W pracy przedstawiono problemy związane z energetycznym spalaniem biogazu zawierającego organiczne związki krzemu – siloksany. Omówiono ich właściwości i źródła występowania w biogazie. Przedstawione zostały zagrożenia wynikające ze spalania biogazu zanieczyszczonego siloksanami i zwrócono uwagę na istotę problemu oraz konieczność opracowania skutecznych metod poboru i analizy siloksanów w celu utrzymania sprawności i wydłużenia żywotności urządzeń przystosowanych do energetycznego spalania biogazu.
The demand for energy from renewable sources is increasing with growing concern about energy independence policy, air purity, climate change and depletion of fossil fuels. Biogas is a renewable fuel which can be used for power and heat production. The main components of biogas are methane and carbon dioxide, but typically biogas also contains trace impurities such as organic silicon compounds – siloxanes. The use of siloxanes as an intermediate in the formation of personal care and house hold products results in their widespread environmental exposure, especially in biogas produced in waste water treatment plants. Siloxanes are not hazardous biogas components when emitted, but during combustion convert to hard solid silica which is very abrasive and harmful to engines, turbines, catalysts and fuel cells. Organic silicon compounds have been recently mentioned as the most harmful components affecting energy utilisation in biogas production from waste materials. Better understanding of siloxanes, standard methods of collecting samples and removing are needed to improve the lifetime of existing biogas facilities.
39--41, 46
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Bibliogr. 25 poz., rys.
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