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2014 | R. 59, nr 2 | 7--61
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„Adeste omnes Logicae et Mathematicae Musae” Jana Brożka Apologia pro Aristotele et Euclide (1652) i problem antyramizmu w Akademii Krakowskiej

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„Adeste omnes Logicae et Mathematicae Musae” Johannes Broscius’s Apology of Aristotle and Euclid (1652) and the issue of anti-Ramism at the Academy of Cracow
Języki publikacji
This article discusses a largely overlooked aspect of the last work by Johannes Broscius (1585−1652), his Apologia pro Aristotele et Euclide contra Petrum Ramum et alios of 1652. While the past researchers focused their attention on the evaluation of Broscius’s contribution to mathematics, geometry in particular, they ignored the socio-scientific aspect of his work, that is the way Peter Ramus and his followers have been presented and how did the dark legend of Ramus have been thus revived at the Central-European university in the middle of 17th century. I am showing types of rhetorical arguments employed by Broscius and analyse the way he portrayed Ramus and depicted events related to the reception of Ramism at the Academy of Cracow. The article is followed by an appendix which contains a critical edition of excerpts from the manuscript rough draft of Apologia which has been preserved until nowadays (Jagiellonian Library MS. 3205 I). In the apparatus I identify the references and show how Broscius rewrote and rearranged the original paragraphs of his anti-Ramist work.

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