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Educational Activities in the Polish Army Front Formations in 1918-1921
Języki publikacji
The institutionalised educational activity in the Polish Republic's Army began in December 1918. Initially it was not conducted by permanent educational authority. Different forms and methods of this job were binding in the rear formations subordinated to the Ministry of Military of Military Affairs white others in font formations included in the Polish Army Supreme Command. Certain forms of this activity were also conducted by military chaplains. A central structure to carry out educational activities on the Supreme Command level the Section of Propaganda and Care for Soldiers. It was responsible for strengthening the moral and ideological state of soldiers in the rear formations. Counteracting enemy propaganda was an important task. The simplest forms to reach a solder were prefered. It was difficult to carry out the educational form due to the conditions of service in the front formations. On the front forces operational level there was established a front or an army Educational Authority. An educational supervisor was responsible for educational activities on tactical level. Mobile Educational Columns played an important role in educational activities in combat formations. There were ten of them. The educational section in the front formations existed till 10 February 1921 when it was demobilised and included into the Third Department of the Ministry of Military Affairs Staff.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 17 poz.
- Akademia Podlaska w Siedlcach
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- 2. Rozkaz Dowództwa Okręgu Generalnego Warszawa, styczeń 1920 r., "Dziennik Rozkazów DOGen. I", 1920, nr 18, poz. 20.
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- 4. Dębicki Z., Książeczka żołnierza polskiego, Warszawa 1919.
- 5. Instrukcja MSWojsk., CAW, Sztab MSWojsk., sygn. I.300.8.19.
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- 7. Regulamin Wewnętrzny MSWojsk., 1919, nr 29.
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- 16. Rozkazy MSWojsk., z 15.05.1920 r. nr 4031/org. nt."Organizacja Sekcji Oświatowej i Kultury".
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