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Determinants and areas of combat net radios’ development
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The command system and particularly the communication system were subjected to enormous development in recent years. The main reasons for these changes were the two areas of conditions - the kind of armed conflicts and digitalisation of communication nets. Due to this fact the undergoing changes in the surrounding of military communication systems demand a new approach to analyse and evaluate this development of battlefield nets. The conclusions drawn from the above research on qualitative aspects of internal and external development of battlefield nets were presented in this article. Therefore the battlefield nets were placed in higher level of command and the basic areas of determination in the development of this kind of communication were selected. Creating next numerous criteria of battlefield nets’ division aimed at respecting multi-aspect internal changes were undergoing in the analysed systems. The presented results and conclusions from the conducted research were used in the next cycle of scientific exploration to determine the main trends in the development of battlefield nets.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 15 poz.
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Typ dokumentu
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