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Among many unsolved issues, which meaning in the last years violently raised, there are issues of studying development of technical and technical-economical problems. There are various methods of studying patters of development, various methods of designing it and there are used different programming environment and studying methods. In present paper there have been used the theory of control and systems [2,3] and build on its base systems development engineering [12], which in relation to the system of electricity market well arrange studying problems. It also permits to execute a study about regularity of development so actual conjuncture of system of electricity market, also its final conjuncture, named in subject literature vision of system. Usage of development engineering is linked with the need of executing identification of system for gaining a system model, educe on the base of the model of artificial genetic code, generation of new genetic code new system conjuncture and to educe an information from a code which will have a structure and parameters of new system of electricity market. This paper contain also aspects of theoretical and practical reference of development engineering to electricity market understand as system in particular from a point of view of efficiency of development and a safety of development.
Opis fizyczny
- Akademia Podlaska, Wydział Nauk Scisłych, Instytut Informatyki, Zakład Sztucznej Inteligencji, 08-110 Siedlce, ul. 3-ego Maja 54, jtchorzewski@interia.pl
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