No. 65 (2)
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The appearance of internal solitary waves (ISWs) in the Maluku Sea is often captured by satellite imagery. However, no study has revealed details on this phenomenon to date. Here, the characteristics of such ISWs were investigated based on their appearance in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery on 20 February 2015. Two different sources of ISW packets were observed: one packet propagating from the Lifamatola Passage and another from the Sangihe Passage. The vertical structure of the waves was constructed using the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) model, which suggests an average phase speed of ∼2.8 and 2.7 m s−1 for the first and the second sources, respectively. ISWs originating from the first source had a typical amplitude of O(80 m), while those from the second source were characterized by a lower amplitude of O(40 m). The waves generated horizontal and vertical currents with typical magnitudes of O(1 m s−1) and O(10 cm s−1) for the first source and O(0.6 m s−1) and O(4 cm s−1) for the second source, respectively. The mean energy densities of the first and second sources reached 461 MJ m−1 and 185 MJ m−1, respectively. Single leading solitary wave contained a fraction of approximately 20% and 15% of the baroclinic tidal energy generated in the Lifamatola Passage and Sangihe Passage, respectively.
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Bibliogr. 57 poz., rys., tab., wykr.
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