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Purpose: The purpose of this article is to assess the level of development of market trade in border towns on the example of Cieszyn. Markets have been the place of retail sales of everyday goods for many years. However, their importance as a place of sale has been steadily declining for years. This is due to the increasing role of large-format shops, such as hypermarkets, supermarkets, discount shops, shopping centres and online shops. Furthermore, in border regions, the condition of market trade is determined by the purchasing preferences of customers from neighbouring countries, such as the Czech Republic or Slovakia in the example under analysis. Design/methodology/approach: The research included studies of specialised literature on trade and marketing. The article quotes official data from the Central Statistical Office [GUS], the CSO Local Data Bank as well as the results of survey research published in the specialist literature. In addition, data from the Municipal Markets Department, which is an organisational unit of the City Hall in Cieszyn, was used. The timeframe of the analyses conducted covers the years 2018-2023. Findings: The article includes a characterisation of the origins of market trading, a description of selected historical European markets, such as the Greek Agora, the Roman Forum, medieval and renaissance markets, and the contemporary Santa Caterina market in Barcelona. The authors further described the classification and characteristics of marketplaces. The next section explores the functioning of markets in Cieszyn, including the decline in the number of markets, their sales area and the number of sales outlets over the analysed period. The considerations were supported by a compilation of current statistical data. Research limitations/implications: It would certainly be worthwhile to repeat representative research in the future, among both actual and potential customers of Cieszyn's markets, but also among the stall renters, i.e. sellers of goods, as well as among representatives of other interest groups such as customers from the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Practical implications: Effective management of the development of local market trade in border towns such as Cieszyn benefits customers and sellers of goods as well as the local government. The article also points out the determinants of choosing a particular market, bazaar or inner-city marketplace as a shopping destination. Originality/value: The results of the analyses are of both cognitive and pragmatic value, especially in the context of developing and implementing plans for the development of the market trading format in Cieszyn.
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