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The best emotion recognition system based on physiological signals with a simple operatory should have higher accuracy and fast response speed. This paper aims to develop an emotion recognition system using a novel hybrid system based on Hidden Markov Model and Poincare plot. For this purpose, an electrocardiogram from the MAHNOB-HCI database was used. A novel feature extraction from a hybrid system combining Hidden Markov Model and Poincare plot was presented. The authors extracted time and frequency domain features from heart rate variability, and used two central hybrid systems, the Support Vector Machine/ Hidden Markov Model and the Hidden Markov Model/ Poincare Plot. Finally, the support vector machine was used as a classifier to classify emotions into positive and negative. The proposed method showed a classification accuracy of 95.02 ± 1.97 % overall. Also, the computing time of the method is around 163 milliseconds. The key of this paper is in the use of hybrid machines to improve accuracy without high computation time. This method can be used as a real-time system due to the low computation time and can be developed in many fields, such as medical examination and security systems.
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Bibliogr. 26 poz., fig., tab.
- Islamic Azad University, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran, zamani.shr@gmail.com
- Islamic Azad University, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran, k_maghooli@srbiau.ac.ir
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