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2013 | R. 58, nr 1 | 73--90
Tytuł artykułu

Wpływ teizmu chrześcijańskiego na rozumienie nauki oraz relacji między sferą przyrodniczą i nadprzyrodzoną w okresie rewolucji naukowej XVI-XVII w. a teza o wrodzonym konflikcie między nauką a religią

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The impact of Christian theism on the understanding of science and the relationshlp between the natural and the supernatural realm during the scientific revolution of the 16 th and 17 th centuries, and the thesis of the inherent conflict between science and religion
Języki publikacji
The impact of christian theism on the understanding of science and the relationship between the natural and the supernatural realm during the scientific revolution of the 16th and 17th centuries, and the thesis of the inherent conflict between science and religion The carried out analyses show the inadequacy of a widespread thesis, due to the works of John William Draper and Andrew Dickson White, on the resulting from the nature of these two fields conflict between science and religion. The above thesis is contradicted by the role in the Christian theism doctrine of scientific revolution in the 16th and 17th centuries. In the article, I present by what means in modern European culture the influence of the dominance of the Christian theism on the concept of science was expressed and the relationship between science and religion as adopted by the forerunners of modern science. I point out that the Christian doctrine of creation was primarily a source of basic assumptions about the existence of the natural order and the faith in the possibility of recognizing it by men. A reference to the concept of a supernatural Creator- Lawmaker served as an explanation of the general characteristics of nature. The analysis of the nature and attributes of God was also included into the scope of the natural philosophy. Apart from that, the Christian theism was used to justify the desirability of research, the choice of a particular methodology, the decisions among competing theories and was a source of detailed explanations of events and features of natural objects. The natural theology drew on arguments proving the existence of the Creator from natural studies. The above presented image of science in the 16th-17th centuries and the role of Christian theism at its contemporary stage of development allows for arguing that the thesis on the „innate” conflict between science and religion, allegedly resulting for the nature of these two fields, is incorrect.

Opis fizyczny
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