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Purpose: The study aims to identify the opportunities for improving the employment offers by identifying differences in the requirements as for work on a ship formulated by maritime university students and seafarers. Design/methodology/approach: To achieve the goal, the Kano method was applied, to determine the relationship between the level of requirements fulfilled to work on a ship and the students' and seafarers' level of satisfaction. Findings: It was found that there are differences in how students and seafarers perceive the same requirements for working on a ship. As the perception of these requirements depends on the seafaring experience, shipowners should differentiate the terms and conditions of employment formulated in job offers to the targeted group of potential employees. Research limitations/implications: The survey was conducted among students of only one Polish maritime university and, moreover, only seafarers of Polish nationality participated. Hence, future research in this area may include the identification of the requirements for work on board set by students and seafarers of other countries, as well as the identification of differences in the requirements for future work at sea set by students at the beginning and at the end of their education. Practical implications: The study results obtained may prove helpful to shipowners in adjusting the job offers to the target group recruited. Such knowledge can help shipowner companies to effectively prevent the crisis related to the shortage of highly skilled seafarers and the subsequent disruption of the supply chain. In addition, it can also provide guidance for maritime universities to design academic programs customized to the expectations of both shipowners and future seafarers. Originality/value: Research dedicated to assessing the impact of meeting shipboard job requirements on seafarers' satisfaction and dissatisfaction has not yet been conducted. In addition, the paper makes an innovative attempt to confront the requirements for work at sea formulated by seafarers with the requirements of students as future shipboard employees. The survey used the Kano method, a management-specific method not previously used in the maritime industry. The addressees of the results of the survey can be maritime universities, shipowners and maritime industry employees.
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