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To improve stream water quality in the United States, government programs subsidize farmers to establish riparian conservation land-uses in agricultural landscapes. This study compared sediment and phosphorus water concentrations from stream reaches adjacent to riparian forest buffers, grass filters, row-cropped fields, pastures with cattle fenced out of the stream, and continuous, rotational and intensive rotational pastures in Iowa. In some cases agricultural land-uses had significantly higher sediment and phosphorus concentrations, while in others the conservation land-uses were higher. The few significant differences between conservation and agricultural land-uses suggest that the random placement of conservation land-uses is an inefficient way to improve water quality.
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- Department of Forestry and Management of Natural Resources, University of Kavala Institute of Technology (UKIT), 1 km Mikrohoriou, Drama, 66100 Greece
- School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Arizona, 325 Bio Sciences East, P.O. Box 210043, Tucson, 85721 Arizona, USA
- Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA
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