Warianty tytułu
Urbanisation of suburban communes represented in the studies of spatial management conditions and directions – methodological aspect
Języki publikacji
The article presents the results of analysis and assessment of the studies of spatial management conditions and directions (studies of smcd) in ten suburban communes from the point of view of methodology of the works on defining the urbanisation policy. Particular emphasis is put on the ways and methods of: forecasting of (demographic, social and economic) development, definition of spatial needs and development opportunities for spatial management, formation of functional and spatial structure of the commune, definition of investment absorption ability in the area. The contents of the studies were assessed in terms of their compliance with the regulations of the Law of 27 March 2003 concerning planning and spatial management and the Resolution of the Minister of Infrastructure of 28 April 2009 on drafting the study of spatial management conditions and directions of a commune. Apart from this, there is a reference to some methodological prompts concerned with preparation of the studies contained in the published methodological guides. Studies were carried out in the communes located in the area of Warsaw, including 6 rural communes (Lesznowola, Raszyn, Michałowice, Stare Babice, Izabelin and Jabłonna), 2 rural and municipal communes (Piaseczno and Łomianki) and two municipal communes (Kobyłka and Sulejówek). The analysed studies of smcd were adopted in the years 2009-2014. Modifications of the previous studies of smcd were introduced not only because of a new legal basis1 for their preparation, but also because of numerous requests – in all the communes – for changing the function of agricultural areas to construction areas. Analysis of the studies of smcd in the 10 sub-Warsaw communes proved low quality and irrational decisions of some self-governments in terms of spatial management policy. The planners do not notice the negative results of the up-to-date processes of suburbanisation. They do not carry out their own analyses or studies in order to define the conditions of development of spatial management in all aspects. They source data and information from other planning documents (most of all from development strategies): however, they do not update statistical data and they do not deepen their research. They do not justify their development assumptions, either. They minimize not only the scope of diagnostic and prognostic works but also of the concept ones. They do not present any vision of spatial management in their communes, they do not carry out any balance of areas having different functions, they do not present any concept of implementation of the spatial policy. A diversified way of drawing up and numerous deficiencies of the documents result not only from the lack of professionalism of the planning teams (these teams are usually interdisciplinary) and lack of awareness of the self-governments, but most of all from bad regulations laid down in the Law on spatial planning and management as well as in the Resolution concerned with the study of smcd. As the phenomenon of uncontrolled suburbanisation is growing in Poland, it is necessary to introduce quick changes in the legal regulations concerned with designing planning documents. In reference to the study of smcd it is important to introduce the provisions of the draft of the Urban and Construction Code, particularly those concerned with the division of the commune area into 3 categories of areas (developed areas, areas of limited development and areas of increasing development) and functional spheres (in developed areas and the areas of increasing development) as well as to consider the conditions of development resulting from the needs of spatial development of the commune (determined on the basis of forecasts and possibilities of adding new buildings in the developed areas with technical infrastructure). It is a right suggestion that self-governments should prepare forecasts of financial results of introduction of the solutions laid down in the studies of smcd. The new executive Resolution should not only define the scope of the draft of the study of smcd but also the ways and methods of working on its significant elements, including the criteria and principles of division of the area of the commune, the way the balance of areas is done, the method of estimation of the investment absorption ability of areas with different functions, the method of forecasting financial results of adoption of the studies of smcd. It is necessary to carry out a thorough and professional analysis and assessment of the changes in the spatial management of communes especially in the suburban areas that are subject to urban pressure. The modification (correction) of the spatial policy laid down in the studies of smcd requires: - development of urban development programmes with regard to multiple factors resulting from demographic, social and economic forecasts, - balancing the areas assigned for urbanisation in terms of their investment and demographic as well as infrastructural needs. - development of the forecast of financial results of the studies, - development of the spatial development strategy in the commune.
Opis fizyczny
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