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Background: Comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation (CR) is a process designed to restore full physical, psychological and social activity and to reduce cardiovascular risk factors. Fear of movement may contribute to the occurrence and intensification of hypokinesia, and consequently affect the effectiveness of therapy. The aim of the study was to determine the level of barriers of physical activity in patients undergoing cardiac rehabilitation. The relationship between selected determinants (age and health selfassessment) and the kinesiophobia level were also examined. Material/Methods: 115 people aged 40-84 years were examined: 50 females (x = 63.46; SD = 11.19) and 65 males (x = 64.65; SD = 10.59) – patients undergoing cardiac rehabilitation at the Upper-Silesian Medical Centre in Katowice. In the present study, the Polish version of questionnaires: Kinesiophobia Causes Scale (KCS) and Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) were used. Questionnaires were supplemented by authors’ short survey. Results: The patients presented an elevated level of kinesiophobia, both in general as well as in individual components. In women, the kinesiophobia level was higher than in men. The psychological domain was a greater barrier of physical activity than the biological one. Strong, negative correlations of psychological and biological domains of kinesiophobia to physical functioning (SF-36) were noted in women. In the case of men, correlations were weaker, but also statistically significant. Conclusions: 1. Sex differentiates patients in their kinesiophobia level 2. Poor self-assessment of health is associated with a greater intensification of kinesiophobia 3. A high level of kinesiophobia may negatively affect cardiac rehabilitation process
Opis fizyczny
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