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- Department of Neurophysiology, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
- 1. Ballard, D. H. (1986) Cortical connections and parallel processing: structure and function. Behav. Brain Sci. 9. 67-120.
- 2. Brennan, J., Kowalska, D., Zieliński, K. (1976) Auditory frequency generalization with differing extinction influences in normal and prefrontal dogs trained in instrumental alimentary reflexes. Acta Neurobiol. Exp, 36. 475-516.
- 3. Brush, F. R. (1971) Retention of aversively motivated behavior. In Aversive Conditioning and Learning. Ed. F. R. Brush. Academic Press, pp. 401-465, New York.
- 4. Dobrzecka, C., Sychowa, B., Konorski, J. (1965) The effects of lesions within the sensory-motor cortex upon instrumental response to the "specific tactile stimulus”. Acta Biol. Exp. 25. 91-106.
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- 7. Jakubowska, E., Zieliński, K. (1979) Avoidance acquisition in cats as a function of temporal and intensity factors. Acta Neurobiol. Exp. 39. 67-86.
- 8. Kamin, L. J. (1957) The retention of an incompletely learned avoidance response.. J. comp, physiol. Psychol. 50. 457-460.
- 9. Konorski J. (1948) Conditioned reflexes and neuron organization. 267 p., Univ. Press, Cambridge.
- 10. Konorski, J. (1967) Integrative activity ctf the brain. An interdisciplinary approach. 531 p., Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago.
- 11. Konorski, J., Miller, S. (1936) Conditioned reflexes of the motor analyser (in Russian). Tr. Fiziol. Lab. Akad. I.P. Pavlova 6. 119-288.
- 12. Kowalska, D., Dąbrowska, J., Zieliński, K. (1975) Effects of partial prefrontal lesions in dogs on go-no go avoidance reflex differentiation and reversal learning. Acta Neurobiol. Exp. 35. 549-580.
- 13. Kowalska, D. M., Zieliński, K. (1980) Avoidance responding an dogs trained in, symmetrical or asymmetrical go, no-go differentiation. Acta Neurobiol. Exp. 40. 403-432.
- 14. Marler, P., Terrace, H. S., Eds. (1984) The Biology of Learning. 739 p., Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
- 15. Mishkin, M., Ungerleider, L. G., Macko, K. A. (1983) Object vision and spatial- vision: Two cortical pathways. Trends in Neurosciences 6. 414-417.
- 16. Oniani, T. N., Vartanova, N. G. (1980) Factors of extfindtion of alimentary instrumental conditioned reflex. In: The Warsaw Colloquium on Instrumental Conditioning and Brain Research. Eds. B. Żernicki, K. Zieliński, PWN - Martinus Nijhoff Publ., pp. 181-206, Warszawa - The Hague.
- 17. Overmleir, J. В., Seligman, М. Е. Р. (1967) Effects of inescapable shock on subsequent escape and avoidance learning. J. comp, physiol. Psychol. 63. 28-33.
- 18. Rizzolatti, G., Gentilucci, M. (1988) Motor and visual-motor functions of the premotor cortex. In: Dahlem Konferenzen on Neurobiology of Neocortex. Eds P. Rakic, W. Singer, Springer-Verlag, pp. 269-284, Berlin.
- 19. Rizzolatti, G., Gentilucci, M., Fogassi, L., Luppino, G., Matelli, M., Ponzoni-Maggi, S. (1987) Neurons related to goal-directed motor acts in inferior area 6 of the macaque monkey. Exp. Brain Res. 67, 220-224.
- 20. Stone, J. (1983) Parallel processing in the visual system. 438 p., Plenum Press, New York.
- 21. Werka, T., Zieliński, K. (1978) Effects of lesions in the amygdaloid nucleus centrails on acquisition and retention of avoidance reflexes in cats. Acta Neurobiol. Exp. 38. 247-270.
- 22. Zieliński, K. (1972) Effects of prefrontal lesions on avoidance and escape reflexes. Acta Neurobiol. Exp. 32. 393-415.
- 23. Zieliński, K. (1975) Effects of prefrontal lesions on defensive conditioned reflexes (In Polish). Acta Physiol. Pol. 26. supplement ,11. 83-142.
- 24. Zieliński, K, (1976) Classification of the methods for training of conditioned reflexes (In Polish). Acta Physiol. Pol.27. Supplement 13. 3-15.
- 25. Zieliński, K. (1979) Cueing properties of the decrease of white noise intensity for avoidance conditioning in cats. Acta Neurobiol. Exp. 39. 263-283.
- 26. Zieliński, K. (1980a) Involvement of partial reinforcement procedure in reward training: Opening address. In The Warsaw Colloquium on Instrumental Conditioning and Brain Research. Eds. B. Żernicki, K. Zieliński, PWN - Martimes Nijhoff Publ., pp. 5-16. Warszawa - The Hague.
- 27. Zieliński, K. (1980b) Differentiation of stimuli consisting in decrease of background white noise intensity. In Formirovanie i tormozheniye uslovnykh refleksov (in Russian). Ed. W. S. Rusinov. Izdat. Nauka pp. 202-209, Moskva.
- 28. Zieliński, K. (1981) Escape and avoidance conditioning. In Adv. Physidl. Sci. Vol. 17. Brain and Behavior. Eds. G. Adams, I. Mesharos, E. I. Banyai, Academiai Kiado, pp. 113-120, Budapest.
- 29. Zieliński, K. (1984) Stimulus control of instrumental defensive behavior after рrеfrontal lesions. In Cortical Integration (IBRO - vol. 11). Eds. F. Reinоso-Suarez, C. Ajmone-Marsan, Raven Press, pp,. 353-367, New York.
- 30. Zieliński, K. (1987) Avoidance: reflex or system of reflexes? In: Desiatoe Sechenovskie Chtenija (in Russian). USSR Acad. Sci., pp. 3-29, Moskva.
- 31. Zieliński, K., Czarkowska, J. (1973) Go-no go avoidance Teflex differentiation and its retention after prefrontal lesion in cats. Acta Neurobiol. Exp. 33. 467-490.
- 32. Zieliński, K., Czarkowska, J. (1974) Quality of stimuli and prefrontal lesions effects on reversal learning in go-no go avoidance reflex differentiation in cats. Acta Neurobiol. Exp. 34. 43-68.
- 33. Zieliński, K., Plewako, M. (1980) The role of conditioned stimulus termination in short-latency avoidance responding in cats. Behavioural Brain Res. 1. 379-395.
- 34. Zieliński, K., Werka, T., Naneishvili, T. (1983) Do amygdaloid nucleus centralis and nucleus lateralis serve similar functions in defensive responding in cats? Acta Neurobiol. Exp. 43. 141-163.
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