Warianty tytułu
Planning bases of revitalisation activities in cities in the years 2014-2023 - on the examples of Lodz and Warsaw
Języki publikacji
The article presents planning bases of revitalisation of Lodz and Warsaw – at the background of the regulations of the law of 9 October 2015 on revitalisation. According to the law on revitalisation, the basic planning instrument during implementation of revitalisation processes is the commune's revitalisation plan (GPR). To the end of 2023 communes may implement revitalisation processes on the basis of the existing plan (developed on the basis of the guidelines of the European Commission and of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development) or transform the existing documents into GPRs - to apply new legal tools (special revitalisation zone, local revitalisation plan). GPRs contain information about the plans of spatial management that are necessary to be developed or changed. According to GPRs there have to be studies of conditions and directions of spatial management. To adjust the studies to the GPRs, proceedings are carried out to change their arrangements. Apart from this, the studies have to account for the changes of the law on spatial planning and management introduced by the issuance of the law on revitalisation. These changes are concerned with the necessity of balancing the areas assigned for development with the factual needs. For each area of revitalisation, communes may develop local plans of revitalisation if there is a GPR. This is a particular form of a local plan. The results of the analysis of the planning documents in Lodz and Warsaw have shown that resolving the basic issues concerning city development and revitalisation was possible in Lodz on the strategic level thanks to integrated activities of the organisational units of the City Office and also thanks to wide socialisation of the process of planning and design (both formal and informal). In Warsaw the revitalisation plan, developed before the revitalisation law came into force, was not transformed into a GPR. It is a problem to verify the arrangements of the Strategy of Development and of the Study. It seems that Lodz has more advantageous conditions for integration of the local plans and the revitalisation plan than Warsaw – which is due to developing a lot of urban concepts with public participation (including competitions) during the works on the revitalisation plan.
Opis fizyczny
- Instytut Gospodarki Przestrzennej i Mieszkalnictwa, ul.Targowa 45, 03-728 Warszawa
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