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The following article depicts bank debt recovery in Poland as a determinant of information asymmetry. Information asymmetry is one of a few market failures and it means an unequal access to information for various subjects, also in relations between the bank and the customer. Drawing on the model of Helmut Bester, debt recoveries have been analyzed on the example of bank consumer credits in Poland. The indicator based on such values constitutes an effective measure of information advantage for the borrower. Data on unpaid consumer credits illustrate the information asymmetry on the market. The main hypothesis assumes that data about unpaid consumer credits illustrate the level of information asymmetry on the market-the bigger information asymmetry is, the bigger the recovery
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- Krakow University of Economics, Krakow, Poland
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1st INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE, dilemmas of scientific research in various fields of science: natural sciences, science and technology, economic and social sciences, humanistic sciences, 10th October, 2016, Cracow, Poland
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