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Compulsive behavior in fur animals
Języki publikacji
Fur animals kept indoors, due to partial limitation of their natural behavior, are more likely to develop behavioral disorders. This is due to negative emotions associated with inability to satisfy certain needs or achieve a particular purpose, which leads to frustration or deprivation in animals. This condition can lead to the emergence of compulsive behaviors, which are often a form of coping with stress. Compulsive behaviors in fur animals are usually stereotypical: animals walk along the cage, catch their own tail, gnaw fur (trichotilomanie), or bite the trellis or the claws. The environmental factors resulting from the maintenance conditions and social relations of the animals in the group play an important role in the emergence of this type of behavior. Another factor that is equally important in causing compulsive behavior is mental strain resulting from disease.
Opis fizyczny
- Katedra Nauk o Zwierzętach, Zakład Hodowli Owiec, Kóz i Zwierząt Futerkowych, Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy w Bydgoszczy, ul.Mazowiecka 28, 85-084 Bydgoszcz
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