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2018 | 29 | 1 |
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Recommended lines of Kashubian Lakeland landscape management in the light of their quarter-century transformation in the vicinity of Gdansk agglomeration

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Planning of spatial development in suburban areas requires considering natural and landscape criteria. In the studied transect Gdańsk - Kartuzy (189 km2), which has undergone a dynamic development of build-up area, in the last quarter of a century, we carried out analysis and assessment of urban sprawl in the years 1987-2012 and its relationship with the features of the terrain as well as the degradation of visual landscape values – based on a broad set of numerical spatial data. There is a little negative correlation of the frequency of the built environment with relative heights and a positive with intensity degradation of visual landscape values. Within the given period, the increase in built-up area amounted to 137% and this trend may continue, in the light of the findings of the studies on conditions and directions of spatial development of municipalities. The latest development, to a small extent, interferes with elements of ecological networks: patches and corridors, however, the planned investments, especially metropolitan bypass road, can reduce the efficiency of the functioning of the ecological corridor of the Radunia valley. In order to present recommendations in the scope of the landscape management and protection, the area was divided into 12 zone types, which were assigned with different spatial policies. The largest of them include large forest complexes (A), farmland dominated by fields (D), multi-functional rural settlements (F) and suburban areas (G).
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Opis fizyczny
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