Zawartość wolumenu
artykuł: In vitro anther culture of Capsicum frutescens L. red- and yellow-fruited forms (Nowaczyk P., Kisiala A., Olszewska D.)
artykuł: Regulatory genes that control embryo development (Harada J. J., Le B., Bui A., Kwong L., Pelletier J., Stone S. L., Braybrook S. A., Park S., Fischer R. L., Goldberg R. B.)
artykuł: Induction, maintenance and preservation of embryogenic competence of Gentiana cruciata L. cultures (Mikula A., Fiuk A., Rybczynski J. J.)
artykuł: Obtaining interspecific hybrids of Allium cepa and Allium roylei via embryo rescue techniques (Chuda A., Madej D., Adamus A.)
artykuł: In vitro embryo sac development via ovule cultures in Doritis pulcherrima (Ye X.-L., Wu C.-H., Liang C.-Y.)
artykuł: Araceae embryos as tools for ploidy manipulation and somatic fusion (Eeckhaut T., Werbrouck S., Wielowska J., van Huylenbroeck J.)
artykuł: Tapetal raphides of Tradescantia bracteata: the strategy of their transport from anther to stigma (Lesniewska J., Och B., Charzynska M.)
artykuł: The length of anther as an indicator of pollen developmental stage of triticale (× Triticosecale Wittmack) (Kozdoj J.)
artykuł: Ole e 10, a 1,3-β-glucanase from olive pollen, co-localizes to callose during pollen tube growth (Suarez C. G., Barral P., de Dios Alche J., Rodriguez R., Rodriguez-Garcia M. I.)
artykuł: Micropropagation of Picea abies (L.) Karst and P. omorika (Pancic) Purk. by somatic embryogenesis (Hazubska T., Bojarczuk K.)
artykuł: Changes in isoenzyme pattern of chosen enzymes during flax zygotic embryogenesis (Takac T., Pret'ova A.)
artykuł: Histological analysis of direct somatic embryogenesis of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. (Kurczynska E. U., Ujczak A., Gaj M. D.)
artykuł: A technique to study polarity tissues during early steps of zygote development in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) (Ponya Z., Wang W., Cresti M.)
artykuł: Flowering and pollination in Garcinia indica (Rawat R., Bhatnagar A. K.)
artykuł: Self incompatibility in different Crocus species and in Hermodactylus tuberosus (Iridaceae) (Grilli C. M., Zanier R.)
artykuł: Recent embryological investigations of basket willow (Salix viminalis) as a source of biomass (Zenkteler M., Wojciechowicz M., Bagniewska-Zadworna A.)
artykuł: Behaviour of stigma before and after pollination in olive tree (Olea europaea L.) (Suarez C., Serrano I., Rapoport H. F., Olmedilla A., Rodriguez-Garcia M. I.)
artykuł: Microtubular cytoskeleton of embryo-suspensor in Sedum acre L. (Kozieradzka-Kiszkurno M., Swierczynska J., Bohdanowicz J.)
artykuł: Embryo development in Cardaminopsis arenosa (L.) Scop. from polluted sites (Siwek M., Izmailow R.)
artykuł: Regeneration of haploid plants via zygote rescue after maize pollination of wheat (Bakos F., Jager K., Barnabas B.)
artykuł: How pollination affects the egg cell maturation in maize? (Mol R.)
artykuł: Relationship between pre-anthesis development and seed formation in spring rape (Brassica napus L.) (Kazlauskiene D.)
artykuł: Legal framework for controlling GMOs (Jendroska J.)
artykuł: Apical-basal axis formation in Arabidopsis early embryogenesis (Jurgens G.)
artykuł: Temporal and spatial distribution of pectin and arabinogalactan epitopes during androgenesis from wheat anther callus (Konieczny R., Swierczynska J., Czaplicki A. Z., Bohdanowicz J.)
artykuł: Expressed gene products of the dimorphic sperm cells of Plumbago zeylanica (Gou X., Yuan T., Wei X., Russell S. D.)
artykuł: The sporogenous tissue and tapetum of transgenic tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum L.) with different levels of the histone H1 variants (Slusarczyk J., Wierzbicki A., Tykarska T., Jerzmanowski A., Kuras M.)
artykuł: Arabidopsis gene family profiler – a new easy-to-use family-oriented gene expression database (Duplakova N., Renak D., Svoboda D., Twell D., Honys D.)
artykuł: SDS-PAGE protein profiles of developing seeds of Abies concolor (Kormutak A., Libiakova G., Salaj J., Libantova J., Moravcikova J., Vookova B.)
artykuł: Morphological and cytological characterisation of a microspore-derived structure, yielding the highest amount of spontaneous doubled haploid regenerants in maize anther cultures (Jager K., Koszegi D., Barnabas B.)
artykuł: Pollination biology of Terminalia chebula (Talwar S., Bhatnagar A. K.)
artykuł: Cis-regulatory regions responsible for suspensor-specific transcription (Kawashima T., Wang X.-J., Bi Y., Weterings K., Goldberg R. B.)
artykuł: Androgenic switch in barley microspores (Maraschin,de S. F., Gaussand G., Caspers M., Pulido A., Olmedilla A., Graner A., Wang M.)
artykuł: Role of genomic imprinting in endosperm development (Scott R. J., Department of Biology and Biochemistry, University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath, BA2 7AY, U.K.)
artykuł: Immunolocalization of lipoxygenase in the anther of Gagea lutea (L.) Ker.-Gaw. (Szczuka E., Skorzynska-Polit E., Pawlikowska-Pawlega B., Sobieska J., Gawron A.)
artykuł: Induced embryogenesis via egg cell activation in cereals (Barnabas B., Bakos F., Feher A., Jager K.)
artykuł: Influence of growth regulators level on the initial phases of androgenic induction in isolated microspore culture of triticale (x Triticosecale Wittm.) (Zur I., Dubas E., Filek M., Biesaga-Koscielniak J., Golemiec E., Wedzony M.)
artykuł: Tendency towards facultative apomixis in breeding lines of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L., Chenopodiaceae) (Szkutnik T.)
artykuł: Reproductive processes in the yellow zinc violet [Viola lutea Huds. ssp. calaminaria (Ging.) Nauenb.] – a metal-tolerant taxon (Pilarska M., Kuta E.)
artykuł: Sex chromatin and Y chromosomes in dioecious species, Rumex acetosa L. (Mosiolek M., Pedrosa-Harand A., Schweizer D., Joachimiak A. J.)
artykuł: Embryo and endosperm in Rudbeckia bicolor Nutt. - resumption of study (Musial K., Koscinska-Pajak M., Sliwinska E., Ilnicki T.)
artykuł: Proteomics of anther and pollen development in tomato and Arabidopsis (Sawhney V. K., Sheoran I. S., Sproule K.)
artykuł: Preliminary results on ex-vitro conversion of encapsulated somatic embryos of Citrus reticulata Blanco (cv. Mandarino Tardivo di Ciaculli) (Germana M. A., Micheli M., Standardi A.)
artykuł: Association of stored messenger ribonucleoprotein particles with the cytoskeleton in tobacco male gametophyte (Fecikova J., Renak D., Honys D., Capkova V.)
artykuł: Studies on autonomous embryo formation from Salmon wheat egg cells (Kumlehn J., Hahnel U., Altschmied L., Baumlein H.)
artykuł: Genome imprinting, development of grains and seed-setting in apomictic maize x gamagrass hybrids (Sokolov V., Tarakanova T., Belova I., Abdyrahmanova E.)
artykuł: Searching for Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. hormone-response mutants impaired in somatic embryogenesis (Trojanowska A., Ujczak A., Gaj M. D., Medrek M.)
artykuł: Female gametophyte functions in maize involve pollen tube guidance and discharge (Dresselhaus T., Amien S., Srilunchang K., Thiemann E., Marton M. L.)
artykuł: Floral modification and expression of floral homeotic genes in the smut-infected female plants of Silene latifolia (Kawano S., Kazamo Y., Koizumi A., Ageez A., Uchida W.)
artykuł: Hybrids of Capsicum frutescens L. x Capsicum annuum L. as a material for androgenic haploids production (Niklas-Nowak A., Nowaczyk P.)
artykuł: Development of Arabidopsis and tobacco seedling shoot apical meristem after ipt transcriptional activation in pOp/LhG4 system (Dubova J., Rysava H., Hajkova M., Brzobohaty B.)
artykuł: Genetic analysis of gametophytic parental effect mutants in Arabidopsis (Skrbo N., Nowack M., Schnittger A., Jurgens G., Hulskamp M., Aalen R. B., Grini P. E.)
artykuł: Organogenesis in in vitro culture of Actinidia deliciosa L. cv. Hayward endosperm (Goralski G., Popieralska M., Slesak H., Siwinska D., Batycka M.)
artykuł: Towards embryology of Campanulaceae in connection with family systematics (Zhinkina N. A.)
artykuł: Secreted molecules and their role in embryo formation in plants (Matthys-Rochon E.)
artykuł: Distribution of poly(A)RNA and splicing machinery elements in mature pollen grains and in vitro growing pollen tubes of Hyacinthus orientalis L. (Zienkiewicz K., Smolinski D. J., Bednarska E.)
artykuł: Culture of carrot isolated microspores - induction of divisions (Krzyzanowska D., Kowalska U., Kiszczak W., Gorecka K.)
artykuł: Arabinogalactan proteins as molecular markers for generative cell differentiation and development in Arabidopsis thaliana (Coimbra S., Almeida J., Monteiro L., Pereira L. G., Sottomayor P. M.)
artykuł: Role of transcription factors in early male gametophyte development of Arabidopsis thaliana (Renak D., Duplakova N., Honys D.)
artykuł: Medicago truncatula: A model plant for studying somatic embryogenesis and organogenesis in legumes (Imin N., Nizamidin M., Schultz N., Holmes P., Weinman J. J., de Jong F., Nolan K. E., Rose R. J., Rolfe B. G.)
artykuł: From wheat to Arabidopsis: discovery and analysis of novel egg cell specific genes (Sprunck S., Bellmann B., Gebert M., Baumann U., Dresselhaus T.)
artykuł: More about the sources of polyembryony (Solntseva M. P.)
artykuł: Special placenta structures of Utricularia sandersonii Oliver (Plachno B., Swiatek P., Jankun A.)
artykuł: Hordeins are present in the gametophytic development and in pollen embryogenesis of Hordeum vulgare L. (Pulido A., Hernando A., Bakos F., Mendez E., Devic M., Barnabas B., Olmedilla A.)
artykuł: Near isogenic lines for study spike morphology in bread wheat (Koval S. F., Koval V. S.)
artykuł: Gene- and protein expression in isolated gametes, zygotes, apical and basal cells of the two-celled embryo of maize (Kranz E., Lorz H., Okamoto T.)
artykuł: Characteristics of chosen species pollen of genus Taraxacum Wigg. (Marciniuk J.)
artykuł: Silencing the [alpha]-gliadins in wheat (Folck A., Wieser H., Lorz H., Becker D.)
artykuł: Different pathways of embryo sac development in Galinsoga parviflora Cav. (Pietrusiewicz J., Domaciuk M., Bednara J.)
artykuł: Protoplast regeneration into plants: do the cell walls play any role? (Wisniewska E., Majewska-Sawka A.)
artykuł: Callus induction on leaves of Salix viminalis clones (Wojciechowicz M. K., Krysiuk J., Zankteler M., Bagniewska-Zadworna A.)
artykuł: Female gametophyte development of Leucanthemum ircutianum DC in unpolinated ovules cultured in vitro (Karcz I., Kuta E.)
artykuł: Structural and biochemical changes in the micropylar region of Chondrilla juncea apomictic ovule (Koscinska-Pajak M., Chudzik B., Zarzyka B., Pawelec J.)
artykuł: Is Viola tricolor L. from calamine waste heaps in the vicinity of Olkusz (Southern Poland) a metal-tolerant taxon? (Kellner K., Kuta E.)
artykuł: The role of the ubiquitin/ 26S proteasome pathway in plant morphogenesis and embryogenesis (Brukhin V., Thomann A., Dieterle M., Gheyselinck J., Genschik P., Grossniklaus U.)
artykuł: Identification of interspecific barriers in the genus Lotus (Jungmannova B., Repkova J.)
artykuł: In vitro culture promotes partial autonomous endosperm development in unfertilized ovules of wild-type Arabidopsis thaliana var. Columbia (Rojek J., Kuta E., Bohdanowicz J.)
artykuł: Application of fluorescent method to fast evaluation of interspecific crossing ability in Rhododendron (Korzonek D., Klein M.)
artykuł: First approaches to the characterization of one h-type thiorredoxin possibly involved in olive (Olea europaea L.) tree pollen-pistil interaction (Pulido A., Traverso J. A., Chueca A., Rodriguez-Garica M. I., Olmedilla A.)
artykuł: Interspecific hybridization between Cucumis sativus and wild Cucumis species through embryo culture (Skalova D., Gasmanova N., Lebeda A., Navratilova B.)
artykuł: Non-functional embryo sacs in apomictic and sexually reproducing plants (Czapik R.)
artykuł: Expression of leafy cotyledons genes during somatic embryogenesis induced in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. (Ujczak A., Kwasniewski M., Maj M. D.)
artykuł: Identification of seed-specific transcription factors from a global analysis of gene activity during the Arabidopsis life cycle (Le B. H., Bui A. Q., Pelletier J., Kwong L., Fang Z., Horvath S., Drews G. N., Fischer R. L., Okamuro J. K., Harada J. J., Goldberg R. B.)
artykuł: Regulating cell division events during male gametophyte development (Twell D., Oh S.-A., Durbarry A., Johnson A., Wardle T., Smertenko A., Hussey P., Rotman N., Faure J.-E., Berger F.)
artykuł: Male and female genome size in two Humulus species (Grabowska-Joachimiak A., Sliwinska E., Skomra U.)
artykuł: Embryo sac development on facultative apomixis in Woonyoungia septentrionalis (Dandy) Law (Ye X.-L., Zeng Q.-W., Wang Y.-Q., Liang C.-Y.)
artykuł: Nuclear endosperm and endosperm haustoria in Linum usitatissimum L. (Biskup A., Izmailow R.)
artykuł: Androgenesis in soft - flesh Capsicum frutescens L. genotypes (Olszewska D., Jedrzejczyk I., Nowaczyk P.)
artykuł: Somatic embryogenesis in Arabidopsis: Where do we go from here? (Raghavan V.)
artykuł: Trafficking of pollen tube organelles along the cytoskeleton (Romagnoli S., Cai G., Cresti M.)
artykuł: Identification of genes differentially expressed in tobacco egg and zygote suggests zygotic genome activation occurs soon after fertilization (Ning J., Sun M.)
artykuł: A general approach to uncover the origin of tissue culture-induced variation in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) (Bednarek P. T., Orlowska R., Koebner R. M. D., Zimny J.)
artykuł: Plant stem cells in terms of embryology (Batygina T. B., Titova G. E., Shamrov I. I., Bragina E. A., Vasilyeva V. E., Rudsky I. V.)
artykuł: SEM studies on fruit and seed of some Chenopodium L. species (Chenopodiaceae) (Karcz J., Kolano B., Maluszynska J.)
artykuł: Cell-cell interactions during double fertilization (Escobar-Restrepo J.-M., Huck N., Gheyselinck J., Moore J., Federer, Grossniklaus U.)
artykuł: Polyembrionic seeds of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) as a source of homozygous diploids? (Nowaczyk P., Nowaczyk L.)
artykuł: New tools for the manipulation of microspore gene expression (Honys D., Oh S.-A., Solcova B., Johnson J. A., Boudova R., Douda J., Twell D.)
artykuł: Different categories of cytoplasmic "nucleoloids" in larch microsporocytes involved in pre-rRNA processing and pre-mRNA splicing (Noble A., Gorska-Brylass A.)
artykuł: Sporophyte control of petunia (Petunia hybrida L.) male gametophyte development (Dobrovolskaya A., Rodionova G., Rakitin V., Kovaleva L.)
artykuł: Dihaploid production via anther culture in Czech breeding lines of caraway (Carum carvi L.) (Smykalova I., Smirous,jr. P., Kubosiova M., Gasmanova N., Griga M.)
artykuł: Immunodetection of arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) in apomictic ovules of Chondrilla juncea L. (Chudzik B., Koscinska-Pajak M., Sniezko R.)
artykuł: Profilin variability in olive (Olea europaea L.) pollen cultivars (Jimenez-Lopez J. C., Morales S., de Dios Alche J., Rodriguez-Garcia M. I.)
artykuł: Effect of abscissic acid on the morphology of tulip (Tulipa L.) somatic embryos (Maslanka M., Bach A.)
artykuł: Chromosome arrangement in meiotic and mitotic cells of the ring-forming varieties of Rhoeo spathacea (Swartz) Stearn. (Golczyk H., Hasterok R., Joachimiak A.)
artykuł: Calcium distribution in anthers of non-pollen type male-sterile rice (Oryza sativa L.) and its maintaining line during anther development (Liang C.-Y., Xia K.-F., Ye X.-L.)
artykuł: Legal and social aspects of biotechnology development (Twardowski T.)
artykuł: Apomixis - preliminary lessons from wheat egg cells, Poa pratensis, Hypericum perforatum and Arabidopsis thaliana (Matzk F., Prodanovic S., Czihal A., Tiedemann J., Koszegi D., Arzenton F., Blattner F., Kumlehn J., Altschmied L., Schubert I., Johnston A., Grossniklaus U., Baumlein H.)
artykuł: In vitro anther culture of Capsicum frutescens L. red- and yellow-fruited forms (Nowaczyk P., Kisiala A., Olszewska D.)
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