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A method to estimate the abundance of the fossorial form of the water vole Arvicola terrestris scherman (Shaw, 1801) has been developed, by using surface indices. Results are compared to the standard method of estimation using trap lines. These results show quantitatively that it is possible to differentiate reliably mole indices from water vole indices. Moreover, the two species are inclined to exclude each other. Even though water voles share the same galleries as moles, specific surface indices of the water vole occur for any density exceeding 2 ind/trap line (over 20 ind/ha). Several models of abundance estimation are put forward, all of them using linear multiple regressions. Correlations between the estimations from indices and the estimations from trap lines exceed 0.8 and the limits of using abundance classes are tested. Other limits are developed in the discussion. One of them is that the sampling intervals are saturated for densities exceeding 400 ind/ha. The index method, which is easy to carry out, offers the definite advantage of being suitable to space and time scales otherwise incompatible with estimations from trap lines. For instance, it allows distribution maps from wide transects about areas of more than 25 km2 to be drawn, in less than two days.
Słowa kluczowe
- Universite de Bourgogne, BP 138 21004 Dijon Cedex, France
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