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Zarys podstawowych teorii i koncepcji badawczych i analitycznych funkcjonowania regionów przygranicznych. Przykłady euroregionów w Europie i Polsce, a także wyniki badań współpracy transgranicznej na granicy polsko-niemieckiej i polsko-czeskiej oraz uzasadnienie stworzenia euroregionu w Okręgu Królewca.
The author justifies a thesis on a precursory character of frontier areas for the development of European cooperation. The article deals with the analysis of the main theories and conccpts concerning these areas and presents the problem of their application to the Polish research. Sociological research performed in frontier areas between Poland and Germany and between Poland and Czech Republic have been taken into account, pointing out to the specific features of these areas in relation to those in the interior of the country (amount of the land rent, employment, social characteristic of the population). A separate analysis has been dcvoted to the Królewiec District. Basic postulates concerning further development of frontier regions have been formulated, taking into account both planning and spontaneous processes.
Opis fizyczny
- 51-162 Wroclaw, ul.Galla Anonima 4 m.3
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