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Samples of soil and meadow sward were collected in the first half of June 1992 at 47 spots situated in various directions and distances from the Ironworks (fig. 1). The following directions were taken into consideration: north-west (N-W), north (N), north-east (N-E), east (E), south-east (S-E), south (S) and south-west (S-W). Depending on the direction, the longest distance from the source of emission was from 6 to 19 km. One sample of meadow sward and three samples of soil, one from each of the following horizons: 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm and 30-50 cm were collected. Contents of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn were assessed in soil and plant samples. Apart from heavy metals also basic soil properties were assayed in soil samples. Estimation of heavy metals content points to processes of heavy metals cumulation in soil which are taking place in the area around the Ironworks. It concerns particularly zinc and, to a lesser extent, lead and cadmium (tables I and 3). The heaviest pollution of soil with zinc was observed in the areas adjoining the Ironworks from N-E direction, with cadmium from E direction and with lead from E and N directions (Fig 2-6). As regards the vertical distribution, two groups may be distinguished within the investigated heavy metals: one comprises copper and nickel which do not show a vertical variation, the second one includes cadmium, lead and zinc, and their content generally decreases markedly along with depth (tab. 1 and fig. 2-6). Only in case of nickel and zinc their content in soil is positively correlated with die content of heavy metals assessed in sward (tab. 5) Despite of a high content of some metals in the investigated soils — their content assayed in sward is within norm and does not disqualify the hay as fodder (tab. 4).
Próbki gleb i runi łąkowej pobrano w 49 punktach usytuowanych w różnych kierunkach i różnych odległościach od Huty. Oznaczono w nich zawartość Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb i Zn. Kierunek i odległość od Huty miały dość wyraźny wpływ na zawartość: Cd, Pb i Zn w glebie. Nic stwierdzono takiej zależności w odniesieniu do Cu i Ni. Oznaczona zawartość metali ciężkich runi łąkowej tylko w przypadku niklu i cynku jest dodatnio skorelowana z ich zawartością w glebie.
Opis fizyczny
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