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Two new species, namely Baetis (Baetis) mirkae sp. nov. (larva, female subimago, and male imago) and Baetis (Rhodobaetis) irenkae sp. nov. (larva and male imago), from Cyprus are described and their critical diagnostic characters illustrated. The former is a representative of the subgenus Baetis s. str. (the B. lutheri species-group) showing close relationships mainly to B. (B.) lutheri Müller-Liebenau, 1967 and B. (B.) vardarensis Ikonomov, 1962; the latter is classified within the subgenus Rhodobaetis Jacob, 2003, being related mainly to B. (R.) ilex Zimmermann, 1978. Affinities of these new species to all representatives of respective related species-group and Rhodobaetis are discussed in detail and brief notes to their biology and distribution are presented. Based on data available so far, a detailed biogeographical analysis directed mainly to chorology and faunistic origin of 8 Palaearctic representatives of the B. lutheri species-group and 26 species of Rhodobaetis (incl. B. irenkae sp. nov. described below) is offered.
- Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, Czech Republic
- Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, Czech Republic
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