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Characteristics of faecal enterococci isolated from piglets receiving Lactiferm or Biogen preparations
Języki publikacji
The aim of the research was to characterise the intestinal microflora with the focus on the physiological properties of faecal enterococci isolated from suckling and weaned piglets receiving Lactiferm or Biogen probiotic supplements. The experiment was conducted on 16 piglets from 2 litters. The animals were randomly assigned into the following groups: control negative (CN) - the piglets did not receive the supplement; control (C) - flavomycin was administered; the experimental (E1) - the piglets received Lactiferm; the experimental (E2) - a Biogen preparation (LAB strains) was administered to the animals. Before and after weaning faecal samples were collected from the piglets for microbiological examination. Morphological and physiological characteristics of the isolated enterococci were established; biochemical properties of bacterial isolates (API 20 Strep) and their sensitivity to drugs were determined. It was found that the administration of the probiotic preparation Lactiferm or Biogen to the piglets caused a favourable increase in the number of lactic acid bacteria. The application of Enterococcus faecium strain may have a stimulating effect on the number of LAB, especially those of the Lactobacillus spp. genus. Administration of biostimulators from the probiotic group was favourable for maintaining the equilibrium of coliforms/lactobacilli in the alimentary tract of young animals, and the good condition of piglets observed could result from the absence or a small number (< 10² g of dry matter) of potentially pathogenic strains in their faeces. Tests on drug resistance revealed Enterococcus faecium strain was more sensitive to antibiotics than Enterococcus faecalis. Drug resistance of the mentioned strains was equal to 30% and 50%, respectively.
Opis fizyczny
- Szkola Glowna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego, ul.Ciszewskiego 8, 02-786 Warszawa
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