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1998 | 16 | 1-82
Tytuł artykułu

Wykorzystanie pola elektrostatycznego i ozonu do obnizania energochlonnosci procesu suszenia ziarna zboz

Treść / Zawartość
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The infuence of electrostatic field and ozone on grain drying processes
Języki publikacji
The issue of the eletric field influence on organism and products of biological origin in hardly examined. recently, the ecologist have paid a lot more attention to the harm that electromagnetic fields cos cause.Technologica possibilities of the application of electric fields in agricultural production and food industry have been neglected so far. This results in gaps in the basic research on such problems as, for example, the electric field influence on physical properties of biological materials.To fill the gap, the presented publication describrs the influence of electric field on resistance and electric permittivity in grain- the basic measureable physical properties of biological materials . Some frequently changing electric fields is also described in the aspect of application in drying processes. Moreover, the state of art in the research on the application of ionic wind, ozon and striction forces in convective drying processes.Chapter 6 presents the laboratory system and test results related to:- convective drying of wheat grain at the presence of a uniform electric field, -convective drying of wheat grain at the presence of a uniform electric field and ionic wind. In some selected cases the coefficients of heat and mass transfer have been determined. The effectiveness of proposed changes in convective drying processes, i.e.;the introduction of electric field and ionic wind is presented in the form of energy consumption factors.The work is completed with the perspectives and trends in the use of electric field energy to modernise known drying process.
Opis fizyczny
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