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The paper aimed to present the literature review on the possibilities of microbial transglutaminase application in meat processing. Some characteristics of transglutaminase and the mechanism of cross-linking reaction between muscle proteins catalyzed by this enzyme and protein gel formation were briefly described. Examples of using transglutaminase in meat processing were given. The main advantage of transglutaminase application consists in the possibility of improving texture of meat products, the enzyme enables also to reduce the salt (sodium chloride) and phosphates contents in meat products without negative impact on texture what means an improving in health quality of such products. Other potential applications of transglutaminase include simplification of some technological processes and production of restructured meat products. The application of transglutaminase is also recommended to improving the quality of products made of PSE meat and modifying of non-meat proteins.
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- Szkola Glowna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego, Zaklad Technologii Miesa, ul.Nowoursynowska 166, 02-787 Warszawa
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