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Języki publikacji
The aim of this research was to determine the effects of adding dry gluten powder (DGP) on the properties of common wheat flour dough and pasta. The experiment was done using flours obtained from common winter wheat cultivars (Mikon, Pegassos), enriched with 3% and 6% dry gluten powder additives. For comparative purposes, semolina was used. The dry gluten powder originated from three producers and varied in terms of quality (water absorption, ash content). It was observed that the incorporation of dry gluten powder into common wheat flour brought about a higher carotenoid pigment content and lower L* and higher b* index values of pasta dough. Compared with common wheat flour products, pasta with added dry gluten powder showed less cooked weight and cooking loss, and more firmness. The Mikon cultivar flour pasta recorded a longer cooking time, more cooked weight and more cooking loss than the Pegassos cultivar flour pasta.
Opis fizyczny
- Agricultural University of Wroclaw, Norwida 25/27, 50-375 Wroclaw, Poland
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