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W krajach Europy Zachodniej podejmuje się próby poszukiwania nowej formuły prowadzenia polityki mieszkaniowej i polityki w dziedzinie odnowy starych zasobów zagospodarowania. Artykuł omawia obecne tendencje w tej dziedzinie, na podstawie materiałów z lat 1987-1992 przygotowanych na konferencje i międzynarodowe seminaria dotyczące planowania przestrzennego i odnowy zasobów mieszkaniowych. W okresie tworzenia w Polsce podstaw nowego ładu mieszkaniowego doświadczenia państw zachodnich mogę pomóc w rozwiązywaniu polskich problemów związanych z rehabilitacją starych zasobów mieszkaniowych.
In the second half of the 1980's, many West-European countries have turned in housing policy towards the market and self-governmental economy. The most important changes in the present housing policy are as follows: -liberalization of housing market, -direction of the aid granted by the state towards households, which means the withdrawal of direct aid in order to awake the investments to be made by inhabitants and the realativization of the credit policy, -preparation of security systems, i.e. creation of programmes of aid granted by the state to the economically weaker groups of population in order to ensure them either new dwellings or to repair and modernize their present dwellings. According to general opinion, one of the essential features of housing policy realized by communities should be the harmonization of the outlays on both new and old housing stock. The West-European countries continue their actions for urbanistic renewal initiated in form of experiments in the 1970's. Participation of the inhabitants' organizations in these actions has changed their sigificance in view of a high degree of organization of inhabitants. And so, the commercialization, free market and privatisation, on the one hand, and strong organizations of inhabitans, on the other hand, they both are meeting at the level of neighbour's agencies being the seats of organization of new actions towards local urbanistic renewal. Emphasis has also been laid to the preparation of new methods in order to continue this renewal in future, i.e. methods of administration in cooperation with inhabitants to satisfy current meeds in the methods of physical management. In many housing estates and new towns erected after the war, the share of social dwelling is higher than in the remaining housing stock. This is a serius problem for the managers of these buildings, as the tenants frequently do not meet their obligations to cover the current exploitation costs. Hence, varius steps have been udertake to limit the share of social dwellings in localities and in housing estates. Special attention is drawn to the brave attempts to adapt the existing buildings to the requirements of their new users or rather of their new owners, to replace the existing buildings by the more attractive ones, to introduce a different way of managing the building grounds and to erect new buildings in order to complete the existig ones. The problem of renewal of social dwellings in eastern lands of Germany is still not being solved because of great negligence in the prewar housing stock, for many years not reppaired at all, as well as in the afterwar housing stock showing many imperfections. Pricvatisation housing stock is considered there as a very urgent problem. It is intended to divide the privatisation process into particular stages which, in the first line, should be related to the dwellings, nerxt to the buildings and, finally to the sections of buildings. Unfortunately, the number of inhabitants ready to buy their dwelings is not great. The most interesting dwellings are those in the prewar housing stock which are now claimed back by their previous owners.
Opis fizyczny
- Instytut Gospodarki Przestrzennej i Komunalnej, 02-078 Warszawa, ul.Krzywickiego 9
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